25/09/2021 – sobota
Prednáška a diskusia
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Prednáška a diskusia s kurátorkou Fondazione Aldo Rossi Chiara Spangaro / IT k výstave ALDO ROSSI, moderuje Adam Štěch / CZ.
Chiara Spangaro je historička umenia a nezávislá kurátorka. Žije v Miláne, pôsobí v oblasti súčasného umenia, architektúry a dizajnu a je kurátorkou Nadácie Alda Rossiho. Spoločne s Germanom Celantom tvorila kurátorský tandem Oddelenia umenia a architektúry múzea Triennale di Milano, 2009-2012. Ako kurátorka zastrešila nasledovné výstavy: Arts & Foods, 2015, Christo a Jeanne-Claude. Vodné projekty, 2016, Giovanni Gastel, 2016, Arman 1954-2005. 2017, Post Zang Tumb Tuuum, Politika umeleckého života: Italia 1918-1943, 2018, Richard Artschwager, 2019 a ďalšie. V roku 2017 bola kurátorkou výstav: Aldo Rossi a Milano a MelissaMcGill: The Campi, v roku 2018 Gio Ponti. Archi-dizajnér, v roku 2019 MelissaMcGill: Red Regatta a Vera Rossi. Crepe a v rokoch 2020-2021 Aldo Rossi. L’architetto e la città (v spolupráci s Albertom Ferlengom a MAXXI v Ríme) a Aldo Rossi. Disegni e progetti.
Chiara Spangaro is an art historian and independent curator based in Milan. Operating in the fields of contemporary art, architecture and design, she is curator of Fondazione Aldo Rossi. In collaboration with Germano Celant, she served as the curatorial associate for the Art and Architecture department of Triennale di Milano, 2009-2012, as well as associated curator of exhibitions as: Arts & Foods, 2015, Christo and Jeanne-Claude. Water Projects, 2016, Giovanni Gastel, 2016, Arman 1954-2005. 2017, Post Zang Tumb Tuuum, Art Life Politics: Italia 1918-1943, 2018, Richard Artschwager, 2019, and more. In 2017 she curated Aldo Rossi e Milano and MelissaMcGill: The Campi, in 2018 Gio Ponti. Archi-designer, in 2019 MelissaMcGill: Red Regatta and Vera Rossi. Crepe, and, in 2020-2021 Aldo Rossi. L’architetto e la città (in collaboration with Alberto Ferlenga and MAXXI in Rome) and Aldo Rossi. Disegni e progetti.